Whisk together the ginger, chillies, 3 tbsp oil, lime juice and chilli sauce. In a bowl gently mix the florets in the marinade. Put them in a freezer bag and seal. Leave to marinate for an hour, turning the pieces occasionally to ensure they are all coated.
Break the cauliflower into 2cm florets; they all need to be about the same size so that they cook evenly.
Drain the marinade from the cauliflower. Dip the florets in flour to lightly coat.
To make the batter, sift the flour, cumin, turmeric and coriander and salt into a bowl. Gradually whisk in 300ml beer. It should be the consistency of double cream. Add the extra beer if necessary to thin it.
Half fill a deep fryer or a large saucepan with oil and heat to 180C or until a cube of bread dropped into the oil browns in 60 seconds.
Dip the florets in the batter a few at a time and fry for 4-5 minutes until crisp. When cooked, drain on triple thickness kitchen paper and keep warm while you cook the next batch.
Serve with your favourite dipping sauce.