Recipes Page 17


clootie pudding

Clootie Pudding

Clootie pudding is a traditional Scottish dessert to follow the haggis, neeps and tatties on Burn’s night.

cullen skink

Cullen Skink

Cullen skink is a thick Scottish soup made with smoked haddock, potatoes and onions. The name originates from Cullen in Moray, Scotland.

stargazey pie

Stargazey Pie

This traditional Cornish dish is so named because the fish heads poke through the pastry crust and appear to be gazing at the stars. But don’t worry, you don’t eat the heads.

spotted dick

Spotted Dick and Custard

Spotted dick is one of those cleverly disguised British recipes where the name bears no relation whatsoever to the food created.

cod en papillote

Mediterranean Cod en Papillote

Cod en papillote simply means “in parchment”. This is a really easy style of cooking fish especially if you are not confident with fish in the kitchen.

yorkshire puddings

Yorkshire Puddings

A very versatile dish, Yorkshires can be a starter, side or even a main dish like Toad in the Hole. Giant ones can contain the entire meal!

glazed chantey carrots

Glazed Chantenay Carrots

These delicious little carrots are great eaten raw, boiled, or roasted but I like them glazed in butter and brown sugar.

horseradish sauce on sliced roast beef

Horseradish Sauce

Horseradish sauce that you buy in the supermarket is a mild version of the sinus-clearing eye-watering sauce that can be made very easily from raw horseradish root.