Recipes Page 41


Pimientos de Padron

Padrón Peppers

Pimientos de Padrón are small, bright green peppers that come from the municipality of Padrón in Galicia, in the northwest part of Spain.

chicken casserole

Chicken Casserole

An easy chicken casserole which will go down well with all the family.

pulled pork joint

Slow Roasted Pulled Pork

Who doesn’t love soft, juicy pulled pork? This recipe from Jamie Oliver is a guaranteed crowd pleaser!


Galician Octopus

Pulpo a la Gallega or Pulpo a Feira (Galician name meaning ‘fair style octopus) is a traditional dish from the region of Galicia. It is the main dish during the patron saint festivities of the city of Lugo.

seafood linguine

Seafood Linguine

This quick and easy seafood linguine pasta dish is perfect for dinner in a hurry. A tender mix of prawns, mussels and squid are cooked with garlic, chilli and sweet tomatoes for a zingy sauce to coat the long ribbons of pasta.

pie and mash

Pie and Mash

If you would like to try this cockney treat then my recipe for a family-sized pie version will give you a taste of this classic meal.