A fabulous recipe for low-fat oven-baked fish and chips that uses one pan! This will prove to be a family favourite at the supper table and uses the whole hake in place of cod or haddock fillets, which is a more sustainable fish to use. Children will love its mild taste too.
Scallops and Chorizo
This simple seafood starter scales up or down really well, so it’s easy to adjust if you’re cooking for friends. Serve with crusty bread for mopping up the herby, chorizo-spiked juices.
Padrón Peppers
Pimientos de Padrón are small, bright green peppers that come from the municipality of Padrón in Galicia, in the northwest part of Spain.
Galician Octopus
Pulpo a la Gallega or Pulpo a Feira (Galician name meaning ‘fair style octopus) is a traditional dish from the region of Galicia. It is the main dish during the patron saint festivities of the city of Lugo.