Recipes Page 27


Portuguese Cataplana

“Cataplana” is the word for both the dish and the spherical pot it’s cooked and served in. This fish and seafood stew is from the Algarve, in Portugal. You don’t need a cataplana dish, any deep dish such as a cast-iron casserole dish, Dutch oven or large pot. As long […]



Ceviche is the Latin American dish where really fresh fish and shellfish is cured in lime juice and tossed commonly with onion, tomato, coriander, salt and often avocado. It’s quick, it’s easy, and makes a fabulously light starter or lunch.


Classic Spanish Paella

Most non-Spaniards think that paella is Spain’s national dish. Whereas Spaniards themselves think of paella as a regional dish from Valencia on Spain’s east coast.

scotch pie

Scotch Pies

Scotch pies have been around for hundreds of years. So long in fact that where and when they originated is unclear. As they can be held in one hand, it is probable that they were a working man’s food like the Cornish pasty was for the west country miners. Mutton […]

bubble and squeak being served from a saute pan

Bubble and Squeak

Monday night’s dinner would not be complete without all those leftover roasties from Sunday chopped up and mixed with mashed potato and green vegetables all fried together. Cabbage and Brussels sprouts are particularly good done this way.

irish bacon mash andcabbage

Irish Bacon Mash and Cabbage

Bacon mash and cabbage has always been the meal of choice for “a taste of home” for people of Irish descent. This is the most popular meal on St Patrick’s day in Ireland.
Both of my wife’s parents are Irish so I have a lot of experience with bacon and cabbage.

roast chicken on board

Perfect Roast Chicken with Sage and Onion Stuffing

A modern classic and affordable Sunday dinner, a perfect roast chicken with sage and onion stuffing. Add all the roasties, potatoes, parsnips, carrots, beetroot and green vegetables like tender stem broccoli or spring greens.