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morcilla black pudding

Morcilla: The Spanish Black Pudding

Spain’s answer to our black pudding is a mile from the slice you’ll get with your fry-up. It’s a spiced blood sausage, delicate, with a gentle tang. Recipes vary across Spain from the loose, rice-flecked morcilla from Burgos to morcilla de Arroz, the variety made with onion and rice. Morcilla pronounced mor-thee-ya, […]

squid with black pudding and peppers

Squid and Black Pudding with Peppers

En español: Calamares y Morcilla con Pimientos This easy mid-week meal originates I believe from the city of Burgos, the home of the legendary El Cid. Morcilla as used in this recipe is the Spanish version of black pudding. You can find out more about it here. Credits: Diana Henry […]

home baked white loaf

Easy Home Baked Bread

There is nothing like the smell of fresh home-baked bread straight out of the oven. I have been (trying to) bake bread for most of my adult life and with our recent home confinement under Covid, I have found the time to experiment once more with bread recipes. I know […]

chicken puttanesca

Chicken Puttanesca

Chicken Puttanesca combines the classic Neopolitan sauce with chicken that has been sautéed first, then gently simmered to absorb all the wonderful flavours. Puttanesca and Prostitution Practised since biblical times, prostitution is the worlds oldest profession. But there’s only one place where it has inspired a sauce, and that is […]

festive filled brioche

Festive filled Brioche with Baked Camembert

This celebration festive filled brioche from Great British Bake Off’s Kimberley Wilson is perfect party food just made for sharing. This is a lovely recipe but is quite involved and needs a fair bit of preparation the day before. If family or friends are coming round and the clocks ticking […]

grilled salmon fillets

Honey & Soy Salmon Fillets

This recipe for honey & soy salmon fillets from Dinner at the Zoo is created using an easy to make marinade with lovely fresh flavours. The marinade for the salmon is a mixture of olive oil, honey, soy sauce, lemon zest and herbs. The salmon sits in the marinade for […]

turkey crown with orange

Easy Roast Turkey Crown

Mary Berry’s roast turkey crown with orange and thyme. One way to make cooking turkey at Christmas less stressful is to not cook a whole bird. Whole turkeys can be difficult to store and can take a long time to cook. They are easy to overcook or undercook as different […]

sprouts in a bowl

Sprouts and Christmas, a British Love Affair

Sprouts and Christmas dinner, a great British tradition which divides opinion. Rather like Marmite you either love or hate them. Anyone who has had an overcooked soggy green ball on their plate knows what I mean. Perhaps “I’m a Celebrity” could use them in an eating trial? Modern stir-fry style […]

Christmas gravy

Christmas Gravy

Christmas gravy is a must for any festive roast. Our gravy is a long-standing family tradition and Christmas dinner would not be the same without it. It probably seems a lot of effort for some gravy, but a great gravy lifts any roast dinner. Make the stock ahead of time, […]